Founded by Tamara Pearson, the Practice Freedom Project is here to help educators reconnect with themselves. Have you asked yourself, "When did my teaching become a performance?" If so, then the Practice Freedom Project is for you. Our classes, workshops and retreats allow educators to take much needed time to release the stress of their day to day experiences and remind themselves of who they are and why they teach.
Our education system is in crisis, and the transformation of schools starts in classrooms. Unfortunately, many of the teachers doing the hardest work are stressed out, burnt out, and under attack. Our motto is, "Freedom is a practice of which all are capable." Through the practice of yoga and meditation, we invite you to become a warrior for freedom, by going deeper into yourself.
To teach in a manner that respects and cares for the souls of our students is essential if we are to provide the necessary conditions where learning can most deeply and intimately begin.
bell hooks